
Welcome to Goalmouth Scramble, an independent blog to discuss all the latest news and views in the footballing universe; transfer news, great players, shocking kits, stunning goals and dodgy decisions. In addition to this you'll find regular match reports from big games, weekly roundups and discussions.
As an independent blog, it is our aim to bring you everything from the world of football, free from any bias. Whether you're a football fan or not, and whatever country you're from, and whatever team holds a special place our heart, we'd like to welcome you to the blog!

There is so much more to come as we grow steadily as a blog, so please feel free to suggest anything. However we will not tolerate any foul and abusive language and or derogatory comments.

You can contact me as editor and writer at goalmouthscramble@gmail.com
You can also follow and tweet us @6YardScramble

Thanks for visiting, come back soon!